PKAK tutvustus

MTÜ Peipsi Kalanduspiirkonna Arendajate Kogu (PKAK, ka tegevusgrupp/algatusrühm/tegevusrühm) moodustati 28.mail 2008.aastal; sõlmiti asutamisleping, kinnitati põhikiri, muudetud 19.06.2008.a, 29.10.2008.a, 29.10.2008.a, 09.11.2010. a ja 20.05.2014.a üldkoosolekul. 

Peipsi Kalanduspiirkonna Arendajate Kogu kui vabatahtliku ühenduse põhieesmärk on Peipsi kalanduspiirkonna säästev arendamine tegevuspiirkonna strateegia väljatöötamise ning strateegia eesmärkide elluviimise läbi strateegiaga kooskõlas olevate projektide väljavalimise, elluviimise ja elluviimise toetamise abil. Ühingu tegevus hõlmab Peipsi-, Pihkva- ja Lämmijärve, Vooremaa järvede (9 järve) ja osaliselt Suur-Emajõe äärseid rannaalasid . Peipsi kalanduspiirkonna algatusrühma tegevuspiirkond on alates 2018.aastast Ida-Virumaal Alutaguse valla (kalanduspiirkonda jäävad endised Alajõe, Iisaku, Tudulinna vallad), Jõgevamaal Mustvee ja  Jõgeva valla (kalanduspiirkonda jäävad endised Mustvee, Lohusuu, Kasepää, Saare, Palamuse omavalitsused), Tartumaal Tartu, Peipsiääre, Luunja ja Kastre valla (kalanduspiirkonda jäävad endised Tabivere, Piirissaare, Pala, Kallaste, Alatskivi, Vara, Peipsiääre, Luunja, Mäksa, Võnnu omavalitsused), Põlvamaal Räpina valla (kalanduspiirkonda jäävad endised Meeksi ja  Räpina vallad) ning Võrumaal Setomaa valla (kalanduspiirkonna jäävad endised Mikitamäe ja Värska omavalitsused) territooriumil.

Ühing on moodustatud tähtajatult, kuid ühingu tegevust ei lõpetata enne 31.detsembrit 2028.aastal.

MTÜ Peipsi Kalanduspiirkonna Arendajate Kogu on eraõiguslik juriidiline mittetulunduslik isik ja oma tegevuses juhindub lisatud põhikirjast, Maaeluministri 25. novembri 2015.a. määrusest nr. 19 „Kalanduspiirkonna kohaliku arengu strateegi arakendamine“ ning teistest Eesti Vabariigi õigusaktidest.

Peipsi kalanduspiirkonna strateegia 2015-2023

Peipsi kalanduspiirkonna strateegia 2009-2015

Short overview of the Peipsi fishery area strategy

The Peipsi fishery area strategy for 2015–2023 sets developmental objectives and specifies activities for increasing the value of fish and marketing fish products, diversifying business activities, renovating fishing ports, creating and restoring spawning areas, promoting social well-being and cultural heritage, strengthening the fishing communities’ role in local development, managing local fishing resources and marine activity, and performing other necessary activities.

The Peipsi fishery area includes Lake Peipsi, Lake Pihkva, Lake Lämmijärv, nine lakes in Vooremaa and the coastal areas of Suur-Emajõgi downstream from the City of Tartu. The area of activity of the Peipsi fishery area initiative group includes Ida-Viru, Jõgeva, Tartu and Põlva Counties and the territories of the following local government units: Alajõe, Iisaku, Tudulinna, Lohusuu, Mustvee, Kasepää, Palamuse, Tabivere, Saare, Pala, Kallaste, Alatskivi, Vara, Peipsiääre, Piirissaare, Luunja, Mäksa, Võnnu, Meeksi, Räpina, Mikitamäe and Värska. The population of the area as at 1 January 2015 was 32,028 people.

An analysis of the area’s population revealed that one of the region’s greatest issues is the fact that the population is decreasing. It has reduced by 7% since the previous strategy began to be implemented in early 2009, the younger age groups being the most affected by the change. The decreasing population of the area is not only a local but also a national and international problem since the region is located next to the eastern border of Estonia and the European Union.

The business activity of the region is dominated by microcompanies, most of whom are active in the fields of agriculture, forest management and fishery. The growth of economically active companies in the region has been faster than the Estonian average since 2004.

Vision of the Peipsi fishery area: by 2023 the Peipsi region has an infrastructure and services that support fishing traditions and the local business activity that is versatile, focuses on local resources and offers job opportunities.

It will be characterised by:

  • fishery companies that sell local fish in maximal amounts for the best possible price and join forces for marketing their produce
  • a fully developed network of ports that complies with maritime safety requirements and offers a versatile selection of services
  • a well-preserved versatile and clean nature and well-maintained spawning areas, which guarantee the preservation and growth of fish resources
  • a sustainably developing region with original and interesting cultures, where the locals would be happy to live and work in, and visitors would like to stay and be interested in
  • a stable number of residents and sustainability in a EU border region.

On the basis of a SWOT analysis and vision, the developmental needs and general objectives of the Peipsi fishery area are the following.

1.         Increasing the value of the fish locally and improving processing conditions, developing locations for selling fish products and doing joint marketing:

  • the value of the caught fish should be increased on the spot and preservation conditions must be improved
  • the fish and fish products should be marketed locally and nationally, paying special attention to joint marketing.

2.         Diversifying the activities of entrepreneurs, including fishery companies:

  • new jobs should be created and existing positions should be maintained.

3.         Developing infrastructure and services for existing fishing ports and landing sites:

  • the main landing sites should have modern infrastructure and equipment
  • modern navigational marking should be installed to ports
  • innovative and nature friendly heat and energy supply solutions should be developed for ports to reduce running costs on energy
  • dredging equipment should be supplemented with necessary devices.

4.         Preserving fish resources and promoting preservation:

  • the fish monitoring resources should be improved
  • spawning areas should be restored; if necessary, new spawning areas should be created and endangered fish species (Peipsi whitefish, Wels catfish) should be reproduced in fish farms to restore their population
  • repopulating small lakes with European eels should be continued and, if, necessary, repopulating Lake Peipsi should be started
  • fish resources should be studied on a large scale, including in view of research on fish migrations and spawning areas, littoral fish, the necessity and possibilities of repopulating Lake Peipsi with European eels, etc.

5.         Developing shore infrastructure for water tourism and making it more comfortable for the consumer, marketing the area, including:

  • existing accommodation facilities should be expanded and their quality should be improved; service packages and additional activities should be developed
  • cafes and eateries should be established and developed
  • boat landings and harbours should be developed; infrastructure should be created to facilitate hobby fishing
  • an infrastructure of recreational areas and swimming locations should be developed
  • car and caravan parks and access roads to water bodies should be created
  • the organisation of events that promote the region should be continued and the region should be marketed through various channels
  • the Peipsi weather station and camera network should be improved.

6.         Developing cooperation and improving knowledge and skills:

  • the cooperation of the initiative group should be developed
  • lifelong learning on various levels should be promoted, the fishing industry should be introduced to the public and promoted, including among the younger generation
  • organising courses abroad each year should be continued.
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